Be it through our eyes or screens, the step from spectatorship to involvement in art has always had an uptight physical presence—a transaction in person. Galleries reflect the wants and needs of only a few and access to even less, entirely outside of our day-to-day lives.

And although the context surrounding art is ever-changing, how we obtain it stays the same. In a world of convenience, one-day shipping, and drive-through coffee shops, we've separated art and placed a barrier around it, making it inaccessible to a broader public.

It's unfair to artists, consumers, and our culture at large. Fine art should no longer be limited to what a handful of people have bid on. The world's technological borders are more open than ever, and with it, our opinions and personal standards can replace what a small group of people have to say.

Great art can come from anyone, anywhere.
And it can be for anyone, anywhere.
They just need to find each other.

ART CAN BE FOR ANYONE. There is no one telling you you can't enjoy art. If you think otherwise, you need to look more.ART CAN BE ANYONE. It can come from the strangest or most ordinary of places indiscriminately. "Anyone" should have the opportunity to be known.ART IS NOT OLD. It's timeless. This means it should surround, adapt and propagate itself how the current times dictate.ART CAN BE BAD, AND THAT’S GREAT. It's all relative. If we all thought the same way and had the same taste, art wouldn't exist in the first place.ART SHOULD BE A RISK. It isn't an investment; buying art should be spontaneous, reckless, emotional, and intensely satisfying.ART SHOULDN’T BE JUST “FINE.” Fine art has had its time in the light. New voices can speak just as loud; they just need an outlet.