“In my artistic practice, I tend to proceed from myself as the character of a “woman”. I have chosen to mention her in quotation marks since she is a character that is playing a role. The “woman” is a masquerade created by others, for others.
I am not born a “woman”. I act like one.
My work proceeds from this conflict, the conflict that arises through the female body and its fixed male perception, since it is a big part of my life and my artistic practice as a self-portrayer. My intention is not to change the gaze, but to confront it, to question it and make a fool out of it. To become the one owning it, controlling it and, as a consequence, the one owning and controlling myself.
My aim is to create reactions through distractions, to question without giving answers and, at the same time, to allude to a humor that makes my work accessible.”